State of the pups!

Mar 27, 2009 21:51

I admit it. I love doing these every month or two. AND LOOK! CODE IF YOU WANT TO AS WELL!

Character: NAME Character LJ:
Needs threads with:
Plot Ideas/Items to come:

Character:Ros Myers Character LJ:always_manages
Canon: Spooks
General: Ros is one of my ever present pups. She can be quiet from time to time, but she's always there, and when I play her, I remember how much I love her. She's adjusted (mostly) to being in the village, and is currently jockeying with Lucas and Lara in a very amusing way. She's antsy though, and I want her to start training at the Dojo, I think. Never mind her friendship and NOT-DATES with Garak.
Needs threads with: She needs to talk to angels, or demons, plus people who work at the Dojo. I also want her to talk to any other spies, and the Spooks tea party really really needs to happen!
Plot Ideas/Items to come: Investigating the torture remains. I want her to get a laptop with the disc with all the info on her father's betrayal. She knows what happened, but the reminder, is awesome.

Character: Babe Heffron Character LJ:southphillyboy
Canon: Band of Brothers
General: He's settling in and being sorta awesome with Gene, overall. He wants to organise a party for Zenon's birthday, but doesn't know how. Him and Gene? They need to talk out the Babe only being forward about their relationship when he's drunk. He's happily doing his PT and working at the Bowling Alley, and he thinks Betty is great, sorta like an older sister.
Needs threads with: Easy boys (they need a group thread guys, hardcore), Blair again, Stoshi again (he needs to sort through some stuff)
Plot Ideas/Items to come: There are a couple birthdays coming up and those and stuff with him and Gene is enough.

Character: Stuart Dakin Character LJ:its-a-gerund
Canon: History Boys
General: ZOMG things are crazy. At some point Dakin became my primary, and I do not know how. He's had a lot of shite happen since he got here. He found a substitute Irwin (Val) and somehow got involved with Toorop as well. Which didn't go how anyone imagined it would, and he's a mess, and he's in love for the first time in his life, and he's screwed over his friends but is trying to make it up to them, and he's afraid to talk to Scripps cause it's all so out of control already and he's a control freak, and... Yeah
Needs threads with: More than his usual suspects. Likely starting about mid-month.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: NONE. In fact, he's coming up on a one to two week no play moratorium. I need him to have a bit of a rest and sort things out in his mind.

Character:Rose Red Character LJ:fabled_rose
Canon: Fables
General: She's settling in well. She likes having her sister here more than she'll ever admit, and having Blue here and having the chance to make things right with him. She misses the Farm and the cubs, but does love having the cottage.
Needs threads with: She needs to meet up with Zed again, and a few more people she can party with. I want her to thread with Laura once Laura is back. Plus to meet a few supernatural/god types, PLEASE. Oh my god, Aphrodite and she could throw an AMAZING party.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: Operation Violet. She already has Clara.

Character:Cameron Baum Character LJ:saviors_sister
General: My god I love her, so damn much. She can be difficult, and I think I emote too much with her, but it's hard to write things otherwise for all that it might sound mad. She and John are settling into a neat rhythm, and she's experienced emotion twice now, through Data's chip and it was NOT ON. Having Alissa move in with her is win.
Needs threads with: All Connors and Reeses. Alissa. Data. Caprica. Lore. Anyone she'd freak out by with her literalism.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: Figuring out who poisoned Data. Her own malfunctions continuing. Trying to be more human. Item, a terminator endo-skeleton and the chemical to burn it :D

Character: James Potter Character LJ:quidditch_hero
Canon: Harry Potter
General: He needs a job, I'm gonna have to talk to Heather about the flying instructor thing. He wants a Quidditch match. Sirius might be talking him into a tattoo. HE HATES NEEDLES. He thinks they're the worst Muggle invention ever. He's settling in alright, since him and the boys had the big blowout fight.
Needs threads with: Other wizards and witches. Other wolves. Anyone who wants to play Quidditch.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: He's GOT A DATE WITH LILY COMING UP. He doesn't need any other plot than that.

Character: Marie Aurora Zorn Character LJ:elegyoflife
Canon: Babylon AD/Babies
General: New. Crazy. Pregnant with immaculately conceived/somehow mystically implanted kids. Likely to infect some other people with the crazy. Going to keep exploring the village, and going to keep seeing her ghosts. More and more, except when she's with Toorop. He's immune to her crazy, and it is the one thing that grounds her. She's really interesting to play. She's very lyrical in her prose and thoughts.
Needs threads with: Dowie, definitely. Though someone needs to be around to stop him from killing her. Angels. DEFINITELY ANGELS. Alice from Twilight. Caprica Six. SO MANY PEOPLE.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: She's going to go into a coma in about three months she'll be six months pregnant then) and will be in and out of the clinic til she gives birth. Alana is going to be the things that saves her, but at cost to herself. In canon she dies, she's supposed to die, it's how she was built. It's going to give her guilt that someone else was hurt to save her. YAY PLOT.

Character: Lady Marian Character LJ:ladyofknighton
Canon: Robin Hood (BBC's New version)
General: NEW PUP IS NEW. I fell down on her debut posts, having to explain the village to her three times ended up being intense, moreso than I had expected it to be. I will be eping her again tomorrow, though, I think. Before Guy shows up, anyway. It has to happen. But she's told Robin why they can't live together IN SIN, and she and her roommate are having alpha-female struggles.
Needs threads with: Faramir again, anyone vaguely medieval, Lucas or Thomas (PROBABLY LUCAS) and, well, HALF THE VILLAGE.
Plot Ideas/Items to come: There's going to be some crazy with Guy when he arrives. That's all the plot she needs for now.

FUTURE: Never swear that you're done. Next month there's a Chiana from Farscape (app done), Starbuck from BSG and Tegan from Dr Who. I need canon refreshes on the last two, so they're probably LATE April. After that? Well, I'll be at 11 then. So really, I don't know that I need more. There are always a few running through my head, but we'll see. I'm not making anymore concrete plans.

The bad news is I think I'm dropping Carlisle. I'm just not clicking with him.

rp stuff

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